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Posted: 2021-07-24 19:20:46

A new battle is brewing between China and the United States, but it has nothing to do with military might.

Instead, the two superpowers are vying for control over something that fits in the palm of your hand: a computer chip.

China was spooked.

It had realised it might not be able to access this vital component needed to power everything from phones to cars to fridges and keep its economy rolling.

Demand was outstripping supply so companies and countries were scrambling to get their hands on them.

China needed a plan to make sure it had a steady supply of chips.

In March 2021, China showed how serious it was by naming investment in semi-conductors as one of its seven key priorities in its five-year economic plan.

It wasn't alone in this realisation. Its strategic rival the United States was on the same page and had a very similar response.

Both announced they were investing huge amounts of money not only in designing them, but making them as well.

The strategy behind this decision was a simple one: it would ensure the countries had adequate supply at home and not be subject to the whims of the market.

But the US and China are not the only ones who view semiconductors as crucial to their future prosperity.

A green, round computer chip
The world is experiencing a computer chip shortage due to climate change, the pandemic and the trade war between the US and China. (

ABC News: Mitch Denman Woolnough


Nestled between the two global powers, both geographically and strategically, South Korea is already a major player in chip manufacturing and it's not going to give up its position without a fight.

The current chip crunch has demonstrated how crucial they are to the present, and future.

How did we get the chip crunch? 

The problem is that making computer chips is not a simple job, it's actually very complicated and takes a lot of investment.

Former head of Intel Craig Barrett once called his company’s microprocessors "the most complicated devices ever made by man".

With the extraordinary speed of technological advancement, stock becomes outdated fast. And manufacturers don't want to produce excess chips that people don't want to buy.

So what they try to do instead is carefully calibrate exactly how many chips to produce to match what the demand will be when the chips are ready for sale.

Last year, when medical frontline workers battled the worst health emergency in living memory, the best brains in computer chip manufacturing were forecasting what COVID-19 would mean for their business.

Two factory workers in white protective gear examine equipment
Working from home during the pandemic helped fuel the shortage of chips around the world as manufacturers struggled to keep up. (

ABC News: Mitch Denman Woolnough 


A global recession was imminent, and unemployment was on the rise as companies were forced to shutter in the wake of country-wide lockdowns.

Forecasters began to assume people who were lucky enough to keep their jobs were likely to feel their employment was more precarious than before. They would tighten their proverbial belts and avoid spending cash they didn't need to.

As a result, the manufacturers of these tiny miracles of technology scaled back their production, expecting there would be a lot less demand for them for the foreseeable future.

But the COVID-19 pandemic-induced recession didn't follow that playbook. And in the case of chip demand, the reverse proved true.

"Chip producers all over the world expected that the demand for chips would be decreasing," Kim Se-wan, a professor of economics at the Ewha Women's University in Seoul, said.

"But that did not happen."

Many of the workers who kept their jobs were now doing them from home and needed new equipment.

That led to a surge of demand for products that required computer chips.

"Demand for all different kinds of chips skyrocketed, thanks to the rise of the online business and online teaching, online meeting," Professor Se-wan said.

"And that increased further demands for notebooks and smartphones."

Ahn Ki-hyun from the Korean Semiconductor Association has called it "revenge consumption".

"People cannot go out and they start buying things: they order cars or electronics instead," he said.

Kim Jin-hee
"I'm proud that Korea is leading this industry around the world," chip developer Kim Jin-hee says. (

ABC News: Mitch Denman Woolnough 


The result was a global chip crunch as this unexpected surge in demand meant manufacturers were caught short.

Professor Se-wan said even though they're now scrambling to produce more chips, it's going to take a while.

"There is the time lag between initial investment and the final production of between two to three years," he said. 

"So most of the market participants in [the] chip industry say that the chip shortages will be continued for one to two years."

Why computer chips are important

Semiconductors are a key part of almost any device that runs on electricity. They are the "brain" that makes your device work.

But with demand skyrocketing and supply having been scaled back and impacted by lockdowns, it soon became clear that there weren't enough of these chips to go around.

For consumers, this means that if you're in the market for a smartphone, electric toothbrush or washing machine this year, you might be waiting longer or paying more.

The car industry has been the most publicly affected by the shortage, being one of the most dependent on chips.

Modern cars require thousands of these components to do all the things we now expect them to do. With limited access to them, car companies have halted their production lines or tried to reconfigure cars to run with fewer chips.

A showroom with two rows of Porsche cars on display
Modern cars require thousands of chips to operate, meaning the waitlist for a new vehicle for buyers is more than a year long. (



This has had a flow-on effect for consumers, who are waiting longer to drive their car off the lot.

It's also underscored how critical these tiny pieces of hardware are to the economy and has left countries scrambling to ensure their own supply.

Chips become a strategic battleground 

US companies are considered to be the dominate force in the design of complicated computer chips.

But much of the manufacturing is done in other countries, most notably Taiwan.

In the wake of the shortages, however, US President Joe Biden has been under pressure to do more to protect American supply chains by investing in domestic manufacturing of chips.

Joe Biden holds up a tiny little computer chip between his fingers
Joe Biden says he wants America to be able to produce its own chips rather than rely on manufacturers in China. (

Reuters: Jonathan Ernst


He announced in April he wants to bring more of the production back home.

"We need to build the infrastructure of today, not repair the one of yesterday," he said.

Mr Ahn said he understands why the US has pursued the policy.

"The US created the semiconductor industry, but it now only has 10 per cent of manufacturing facilities," he said.

"They cannot supply even enough chips for the demand in their own country."

Mr Biden has framed it as a strategic race with China and the rest of the world, arguing, "there's no reason why Americans should wait".

Meanwhile, China is also pushing for a bigger share of the market. President Xi says the country will spend more than $1.3 trillion on high-tech industries with a particular focus on semiconductors.

But Mr Ahn said the United States is still ahead in this race.

"When you build facilities, you need certain US manufacturing equipment," he said.

"You cannot build the facilities without US equipment and the US has said it won't allow the export of that equipment to China."

But the world's two biggest economies aren't the only competitors in this space.

South Korea punches above its weight with chips

South Korea is already a major player in chip manufacturing with its conglomerates, Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, ranked as the first and fourth-largest producers of semiconductors in the world.

But chip manufacturing is even more important to its economy with an estimated 20,000 businesses connected to the production of semiconductors.

A big part of the country's success in this space, according to Professor Se-wan, is that successive governments in South Korea helped support the industry to grow while chip manufacturers in other countries faltered.

Two Koreans in white PPE and face masks in a lab
Korean companies Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix are racing to increase their capacity to produce memory chips. (

ABC News: Mitch Denman Woolnough 


"In the past, Korea has been really successful in competing with advanced countries, companies like Toshiba, and Epson from Europe," he said.

But Professor Se-wan said South Korea is now facing a competitor with very deep pockets.

"The game with China is really different because the Chinese government is ready to spend really Korean government-size money on chip industry," he said, adding that, "they will do whatever to import Korean technology and Korean companies".

But South Korea isn't going down without a fight. It recognises how critical its position as a computer chip hub has been in its economic success and it's doubling down to ensure its position is maintained.

Crudely speaking, computer chips can be split between processor and memory chips. South Korea is particularly dominant when it comes to memory chips but wants to push further into processing chips, which are currently dominated by American firms.

The country will also spend $500 billion — mostly due to investment from Samsung and SK Hynix but also with generous government tax breaks — building up its capacity further.

It's a high-stakes gamble but the huge amounts of money being thrown at chip manufacturing will hopefully mean fewer chip shortages in the future, and cheaper prices for consumers. 

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